There are various characteristics, which describe a particular handwriting, and each individual normally has his own handwriting characteristics, which persist in normal circumstances throughout his writing, of course within the range of ‘normal variation’.Some of the main handwriting characteristics could be mentioned as the ‘S' qualities being (1) Speed, (2) Slant, (3) Spacing, (4) Shading,(5) Size, (6) Style and ‘P' qualities as (I) Pen position, (2) Pen lifts, (3) Pen pressure, (4) Pictorial effect, (5) Proportion of letters, (6) Paragraph formation along with characteristics like [1] Movement, [2] Alignment, [3] Line quality [4] Formation of letters etc, which are looked in identification of handwriting.Of course all these characteristics may not be relevant in each and every case of handwriting identification. The value of these characteristics depends on each and every case independently.